NOTE: This is the same game as the one submitted to the Pirate Software Game Jam 15 - however this one is properly configured to play in Browser. Enjoy the bugs at your own risk!

Dungeon Goop

A short prototype for a 2D adventure puzzler. 

You play as a Slime traversing through a dungeon, as well as the Remnant of the adventurer whom that slime ate!

Together you solve increasingly difficult puzzles as you venture to the heart of the dungeon.

Current status: 1 floor of introductory puzzles + multiple bugs - err features.

Bug fixes to smooth out things in the future (once associated Game Jam judging is finished)

Game Design Document:

Slime moving across bridge

Little rock slime going places


Arrow keys - movement
Z: Use ability
X: Digest current form/ability & Manifest it in the Remnant
Spacebar: Switch to Remnant

Arrow keys - movement
Z: Interact
X: Manifest ability
Spacebar: Switch to Slime

Enter (Bugged* : Return to slime (doesn't properly update position)

Known Major Bugs:
Collider issue for Remant - double-door at start of game had colliders intentionally removed to allow the Remnant through - but I forgot to give it a way over the water. Touching a save point and dying will reset the Slime and Remnant across the water gap. 

Save Points aren't all being displayed but are functioning. One of the screenshots displays the best way to fix the above bug with the Remnant using a Save Point that isn't showing up.

Save Point Bug Fix

Move onto the invisible save point then die to reset your position and fix the stuck Remnant bug

Sometimes the music starts doubling up (especially on death).
Switch to the Remnant (Space Bar) and back to Slime again to re-sync audio.


Lead Developer: Andre Van Slyke
Lead Programmer: Ian Weber [Miresoftproductions on]
Art Designer: Samantha Van Slyke
Music Design: Dylan Burton

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
Made withGameMaker
Tags2D, Slime


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Known issues that I did not fix:
Sliding through grates does not work properly with more than one grate. This will be fixed in the next revision.

Hi, pretty cool game, like the concept very much! I ended up totally clueless in the pool with tiles, but I think I will manage to beat it, don't reveal the solution yet please ^^ Thanks for the list of known issues, too, it was helpful!